Social, Historical, Cultural contexts

n1. Define what a social, cultural and historical context is.
  • A social context is when something in society will affect a media text,
  • Cultural context is something that happens in a certain culture to shape a media text
  • Historical context is something that has happened in the past to affect the media text

Explain how social contexts influence television programmes.

Media contexts can influence television programs such as cuffs with events such as gay marriage being legalised in the 2010s affected Jake being openly gay and having no issues this has become a popular idea in society but also in 2010s culture was also influenced by the rise in hate crimes this context may influence media products because it is something that people are going to watch because it is relevant to today this can be reflected in the way Jake is portrayed in cuffs has changed massively as in the 60s it was considered that you were ill if you were homosexual and would be hidden from he public view especially through media products .    

Media contexts can influence media products majorly such as TV and radio. for example terrorism has become a very big threat to society and culture. In the year 2001 there were many hijacked planes that carried out attacks on the USA and society and culture were forever changed this context has influenced media products such because they want to portray the drama and scary threat we face everyday to reflect the change in things such as security as well as the society and culture.



  1. Your first paragraph needs a focus on structure, but this is something we will work on.

    Your second paragraph is really interesting, you have focused on your structure and content here.


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