Assesment Tv

Analyse how sound is used in the extract to create meaning?

Sound is used in the extract to create meaning by using the different
types and paces of music such as when he first walks up to the church,
he hears the sound of children singing which creates meaning for the
church being a safe place but as he walks In and cant see anyone the
music the gets on to a faster pace we can also hear the sound of the
dogs barking and his foot splashing in the water this creates the scene
full of suspense.

The extract creates a big sense of danger and confusion this is done by
the slow editing in the beginning as it moves on the editing starts to get
faster as he gets chased we see all over the town people hearing the
barking which reinforces the idea of little bazely being a small village the
cuts are very fast so the audience does not have time to think about the
scene before another point is the              mise-en- scene the man chasing
him was wearing clothes dark to create that sense of not knowing what
was going to happen and the dogs barking and all of the other noises in
the chase scene this will create a danger filled environment for the

The audiences might interpret this extract as something to do with the
cold war and Russian spies this would have been accepted by the
audiences as it is something that is very important to them at that time
and was relevant as in the early 60s Russia and America were in a war to
see who could build the atomic bomb the arms race steed would
represent the fighting man and Emma the fighting woman all against
Russia who were the people who took over little baizley.
  The industry at that time also played a big part in The Avengers as
people were starting to buy TVs and for the most part there was one in
every household and there was very high demand for Tv programs. This
would also scare the audience as church and school are everyday places
they go and this would be good propaganda to keep a look out for what
could be Russian spies.
Emma peel was also seen as the front of feminism in the 60s with what
she wore the leather cat suit would have been seen as showing her
ability to fight as a free female.

4) The BBC targets mainstream audiences by using contexts that are
important to the audience in that day and age will gain a big amount of
the mainstream audience such as in cuffs there is Jake a police officer
who is gay as gay marriage was legalised in 2013. A lot of the issues they
face such as hate crimes are on the rise at that time as when the Indian
boy gets stabbed outside of the corner shop this is an issue for
mainstream society so they will tune in as it is relevant to them

5) the social contexts influence programmes such as cuffs for example
Jake who is a a gay police officer and when he tells his partner Ryan
there is no reaction this is to do with the fact that gay marriage was
legalised in the 2010s and a increase in polish immigrants such as the
one that shop lifted and shoplifting crime and a rise in hate crimes such
as the racist gang who stab the Indian boy in the corner shop.


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  2. Q1) 2/5
    The question asks you to refer to at least 2 examples. You haven’t copied the question out as it states in the exam! Next time, ask me to send you an electronic copy.

    You have referred to different examples, however you haven’t used correct sound terminology. Is it diegetic/non-diegetic sound? Why is suspense created?

    Q2) 7/10
    You’ve written some great points and begun analysing, but you can push this further!
    Make sure you include terminology – the connotations of the dark black clothing are death and this foreshadows the fate of the character.

    Q3) 10/15
    This is a great response, however you must work on your structure. You have referred to moments from the extract, but you need to use the PEE structure clearly. If it helps, write P E E down the side of the page.
    Also, your last point about Peel wearing the cat suit is very true, however it doesn’t relate to this extract, as she isn’t wearing a cat suit!

    Q4) 3/5
    Again, you have included good points but you must read over every response, as you aren’t writing clearly.

    Q5) 6/10
    Josh, you need to take each point at a time and fully explain yourself. At the moment you’re trying to cram everything!
    You have three excellent points, but you haven’t explained them fully or used any media terminology.

    Level 6 – You are one mark above target! Well done!

    You must be clearer with your responses and use the PEE structure to help you.


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