Media christmas homework origonal

          Media Christmas homework

Task 1) The Avengers and cuffs are different in many ways one of them is their audiences the audience of avengers lived in a different time to the audience of cuffs in the accepting 2010s whereas The avengers audience would have been very much against homosexuals and blacks as that was the normal belief in society in the 1960s.   

Task 2) This view of homosexuality differs to society in the 2010s as gay marriage was legalised In 2013this is reflected in cuffs as Jake the main character of cuffs is gay and this can be said without any warning or worry of losing viewers and when he tells Ryan who is his partner and also the main character of cuffs and he has no reaction towards that statement which shows that it is socially accepted to be gay. Where as in the 1960s it was illegal to be openly gay and if you were u could be prosecuted and it was looked down upon in society an seen as a mental illness and if any television program included anything that could be perceived as homosexual they would have to warn the audience before the show aired in fear of losing viewers

Task 3) feminism is represented in avengers and cuffs through two characters in Avengers Emma peele who is the main detective alongside her partner she is the sign of empowering women with freedom of choice in the 60s and in Cuffs jo moffat who is a woman very high up in the police force representing the Morden idea of woman high up in society with power and freedom just the same as her male counterparts in the British police Force and with almost half of the police in cuffs are women .

Task 4)  Avengers and cuffs are different in many ways one way is there lack or use of multiculturalism.

 Avengers has a vary big lack of multicultrlism as the only characters in the program are white and a majority of males all represented as the leaders of their group. Where as in Cuffs the majority of the characters came from different ethnicities such as Ryan the lead character who is a African American male and there are police officers with an Hijab on and the boy who gets stabbed is from Asian decent

How do gender Representations reflect the social, cultural, Historical contexts of the time with both set products? 

·     Gay marriage legalised (2013)

·     Equal pay act

·     Woman are seen to be just as strong as men

·     Emma is equal to steed

·     Woman given a choice

·     Joe Moffatt

·     Jake Homosexual and no reaction from Ryan

·     Women are not seen any different to the men of the police force

·     No segregation


  1. Q1) Please summarise from pages 3-7.

    Q2) 6/10
    This is good, but you need to focus on your structure. You haven't provided a specific example from 'The Avengers'. You need to explain that the main leads are heterosexual and that this conforms to the dominant representation because audiences would have accepted this representation. How do we know they are heterosexual? Think about Steed's chivalrous behaviour.

    Q3) 5/15
    Again, your structure is all over the place. Take each text at a time. What is Peel wearing? How does this link to feminism? Then discuss 'Cuffs', is Jo represented positively? Why?

    Q4) 5/10
    With regards to 'The Avengers', you have discussed the representation which is good! Where is your evidence?
    You need to do the same for 'Cuffs'. STRUCTURE! What is your point? What is your evidence? What is your explanation? Do the different ethnicities in 'Cuffs' challenge stereotypes? Are they positive representations?

    Make sure you use quotation marks and capital letters when writing out the texts.
    (N.B R&P has been posted as an earlier post)

    Miss C


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