Facts on OFCOM

                                                 OFCOM=    Office of communications

when David Cameron became prime minister  of the 2010 UK conservative government, the Public Bodies Act 2011 did remove and change many of the things Ofcom has to do, although it did not reduce Ofcom's remit.

On 1 October 2011, Ofcom took over responsibility for regulating the postal services industry from the Postal Services Commission (Postcomm).

In April 2015, Ofcom announced that, as of 1 July, phone companies will have to provide customers with a set charge for the cost of calling numbers starting 084, 087 and 09. and made sure these charges must be printed in each customer's contract and bills.

The change affected 175 million phone numbers, making it the biggest takeover of telephoning in over a decade.

On 1 January 2016, the regulation of video on demand was moved to Ofcom from ATVOD, the Authority for Television on Demand.

On 1 January 2017, the regulation of the BBC was transferred to Ofcom from the BBC Trust

The Advertising Standards Authority is the self-regulatory organisation of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. The ASA is a non-statutory organisation and so cannot interpret or enforce legislations

The CAP, alongside ASA, is primarily responsible for the constant revising and updating of the British Code of Advertising, Direct Marketing and Sales Promotion (CAP Code), through its Code Policy team. The CAP also contains a Monitoring team, a Compliance team, and a Copy Advice team.
It works with advertisers across different industries and sectors to ensure they comply with the advertising Code, although while some rules are legally enforceable, the majority are self-regulatory and based on the commitment of involved stakeholders following best practice. CAP provides training and advice for advertisers to help them understand the Code, a lot of which is done free of charge.
Industries under particular focus for CAP in terms of rules and guidelines for advertising include alcohol and gambling.

OFCOM-they are the independent regulators of the media and communication industries

the OFCOM specification of broadcast code- this provides a set of mandatory broadcast rules, it covers
Protection of under 18s
harm and offence

Rules on the amount and distribution of advertising

Examines specific complaints made by the public

Public consultations on matters relating to TV broadcasting

(ASA)-advertising standard agency- independent body which deals with complaints relating to the advertising industry

(CAP)-contracted by OFCOM to maintain the codes of practice for television advertising


  1. Josh, you can't just copy and paste from the OFCOM website! This won't help you when revising. Ensure that you have written this all using your own words.

    1. I have changed the facts into my own words and got rid of all of the words I don't understand or need


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