
Textual analysis of Luther

Mise-en-scene is used in the extract to create meaning by using many different areas one of these areas is The location, this reinforces the crime drama genre by showing a normal busy London street this reinforces the fact that crime is a part of our everyday lives ,this gives the audience a connection straight away to the film and characters and the fact that it happens in the early morning creates drama as it is light outside and a busy morning with people all around.

Stereotypes are reinforced in this clip by saying that the African American males will be doing bad things for example selling drugs or trying to harm someone, in an alley way dressed covering their face .This is reinforcing the stereotype of how African American's are represented in the media so negatively this also challenges the stereotype that African Americans are not the criminals but the hero the police officer. This creates meaning because it shows that no matter your race if you want to be a good person you can be. and the white male is a criminal possibly a serial killer wearing all black to show evil and blacked out sunglasses to hide his face to show he is up to something bad, this makes the audience believe that the man is a criminal, the cinematography shows he is in power and makes the audience feel obsolete by showing him at a low angle ,this is why the Mise-en scene is the most important part of this clip.   


  1. A good first analysis Josh!
    You have discussed two key areas of mise-en-scene.

    When reflecting and perfecting, please put these changes in a green font colour.

    - What are the other connotations of black - importance? Would this relate to the character and help to create meaning?
    - Please check over SPaG
    - Your first paragraph has no commas! Add these in and check over your paragraph please.
    - Your last paragraph discusses some strong points, but you need to make it clearer. Firstly, how are African American Males represented in the media? Is it negative? Instead of using the phrase 'shady' explain that they are represented as criminals. Also does the clip challenge this representation? Luther is actually the hero! Keep your comments about the props.
    Make your comment about the criminal clearer - how does the mise-en-scene (costumes, props etc) make the audience believe that character is a criminal?

    Miss C.

  2. Josh, this needs to be reflected and perfect by our next lesson on Wednesday. Miss C.

  3. You have made some significant changes, however your phrasing is all over the place! You haven't added any punctuation to the text you've added, so it's difficult to understand what your point is. Break it down further and use the PEE structure to help you.
    What is your point, your evidence and your explanation?
    Start by reading through your work, add in punctuation and check the structure.
    Miss C.

  4. Josh, this needs completing by December 1st.


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