the propp theory

                           The Propp Theory

Vladimir prop created the propp theory which focuses on character types

He analysed hundreds of folk tales and defined all of the main characters into 8 main character types

Although these were applied to folk tales they are now applied to film and media

                       8 Main character types 

Hero-who goes on quest and ends up with the princess
Villain-who is against the hero
Dispatcher-helps the hero and sometimes has a magical power/object to help
Princess-is usually a prize for the hero the hero deserves her through the story and must overcome a task/defeat the villain to get her
Her farther-Rewards the hero usually identifies the false hero
The false hero-Takes credit for the hero’s actions and tries to marry the princess
The helper-someone who helps the hero on their                                     mission  
         Shrek clip 

Dispatcher/villain-lord farquar
Prince charming-False hero

The helper-donkey
Crime Dramas
Hero-officers if law
Donor-Officers of law
Farther of princess-farther/parent
The false hero- Sometimes the suspect
The helper- Police officers/Forensics
      Luther clip 

Officers of the law-Hero, Grumpy= luther
Victims-New victims in every episode audience tend to sympathise, Flashbacks sometimes used= The Man in black 
Suspects-Suspect of committing the crime= The man in black 
Criminals-Represented the opposition to the law
Dispacher-the man in the car
Helper-The woman with the baby


  1. This is good so far, but all your notes are a little jumbled! Use sub-headings to help.
    Also, you must apply the theory to the 'Luther' clip that we watched in class.

    Miss C.

    1. ok i have taken the information on board and will make the changes

  2. Using Propp's theory, what other character types can you identify? Who is the dispatcher? Who is the helper?

    Miss C

    1. I have added in the changes to the Luther video using the prop theory


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