
Showing posts from December, 2017

mood board social contexts


Social, Cultural, Historical contexts in the 1960s

Social, Historical, cultural contexts 1960s and            The Avengers The Avengers as a distinctive generic identify that is rooted in British popular culture Television drew upon this tradition while at the same time responding to the social and cultural changes of the 1960s Sub-genre-Spy-Thriller           Series 4 episode 1          The town of no return Brief summary Steed and Emma, are on the trail of several murdered agents. They visit little bazeley by the sea, a town that strangers rarely leave alive- and discovered it is being secretly infiltrated by enemy agents The swinging sixties! London had transformed from the bleak, conservative city, only just beginning to forget the troubles of the second world war, into the capital of the world, full of Freedom, hope and promise         Young people given a choice Parents of the 60s teenage generation had spent their lives in the second world war                         


                           Genres               Crime dramas and sub Genres Sub-Genre -within the overall genre of television and crime drama there will be groups of shows that share similar conventions, for example detective-led dramas. These are sub genres Genre variation- differences of genre and how media language illustrates this. How much a film subverts or conforms the conventions and stereotypes of a genre   Genera repetition - repeating codes and conforms to the genre Hybridity -   is a genre in fiction that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres i.e rom-com Intersexuality - the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text       Crime- Cuffs Horror- sinister Romantic- Comedy- Grimsby Action- War- Hacksaw ridge    Drama- Document- Television crime drama is a sub-genre of the television drama and usually focuses on the committing and solving if crimes The d

Facts on OFCOM

                                                 OFCOM=    Office of communications when David Cameron became prime minister  of the 2010 UK conservative government , the Public Bodies Act 2011 did remove and change many of the things Ofcom has to do, although it did not reduce Ofcom's remit. On 1 October 2011, Ofcom took over responsibility for regulating the postal services industry from the Postal Services Commission (Postcomm). In April 2015, Ofcom announced that, as of 1 July, phone companies will have to provide customers with a set charge for the cost of calling numbers starting 084, 087 and 09. and made sure these charges must be printed in each customer's contract and bills. The change affected 175 million phone numbers, making it the biggest takeover of telephoning in over a decade. On 1 January 2016, the regulation of video on demand was moved to Ofcom from ATVOD , the Authority for Television on Demand. On 1 January 2017, the regulation of the BBC

PSB,Scheduling and BBC

P ublic service broadcasting Public Service Broadcasters generally transmit programming that aims to improve society by informing viewers   PSB also strive to entertain their viewers PBS=BBC Remit- Responsibility of a programme BBC Remit- to enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform educate entertain To reflect the UK its culture and values to the world Funding 75% of the BBC funding comes from the licence fee (currently costs £145 for colour and £49.50 for a black and white TV licence.) The remaining income comes from commercial Activities such as Worldwide sales of its programs Publications such as radio times, top gear, good food, Etc                              Channel 4 Channel 4 was set up after a 1977 government report argued that television was not meeting the needs of a diverse society Channel 4 therefore has a legal duty to Inform, educate, and entertain Appeal to taste not catered for by ITV